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FSX Vietnam War project - Sceneries

Informations about packs and additionnal sceneries

Operation Teight Reign. now included in Airfields pack 1

1966, USAF ask US Coast Guard for help during flight navigation.
A USCG team was sent to South-East Asia to install four Loran C stations at Sattahip and Lampang (Thaîland), Con Son, and later Tan My (Vietnam). They were helped by a USCG C-123.
Pack including :
Airfields (Con Son, Lampang, Sattahip) and Loran C stations sceneries.
C-123 USCG AI airplane and AI trafic files
C-123 USCG texture for Vladimir Zhyhulskiy C-123
Documentation and TAD

Photo-realistic airfields :

Paracels archipelago - Pattle Island
included in Airfields pack 1

Gia Nghia - home of the Pterodactyls
see download page

Long Tieng - Air America
see download page

WIP : Cam Ran bay

USS Harnett County
A LST used by US Navy to provide support to helicopters, in delta area.
Copyright : Xavier Carré, FSX Vietnam War project